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Nijiya Organic Farm Spring

Posted on 2nd May 2018 in Nijiya Farm

– Wild Lilac – ファームの春も花盛り!



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Gochiso Magazine 2018 Spring / 『ごちそうマガジン』2018春号

Posted on 19th April 2018 in Media

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2018 Spring” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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Sumidaya Rice Demonstration and Mini Cooking Class!


Posted on 6th March 2018 in San Diego, Top News, Torrance

SUMIDA YA is a rice wholesaler in Sumida-Ku, Tokyo, in Japan.
Founded in 1905, Sumida ya specializes in premium grade rice.

Its knowledge of polishing and blending rice sets their products apart from other brands. They polish the rice slowly to keep the aroma and blend a few variety of rice together to bring out the best flavor.

Please come to see the demonstration this weekend!

Demonstration will show making of rice so please come and try the samples! SIGN UP TODAY!!

Saturday, Mar.24 @Torrance Store
Cooking rice class: 11:00~12:00 / 15:00~16:00
Demonstration, Tasting & Sale : 12:00~15:00

Sunday, Mar.25 @San Diego Store
Cooking rice class: 11:00~12:00 / 15:00~16:00
Demonstration, Tasting & Sale : 12:00~15:00


炊飯教室:11:00~12:00 / 15:00~16:00

炊飯教室:11:00~12:00 / 15:00~16:00

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Kagoshima Fair! / 鹿児島フェア開催!

Posted on 29th January 2018 in Top News

Nijiya Kagoshima Fair

Feb. 2nd (Fri.) ~ 5th (Mon.)

The Nijiya Kagoshima Fair will be held at Nijiya Markets in CA. A lot of delicious items have arrived from Kagoshima, Japan such as satsuma-age, Kagoshima wagyu beef,fresh kanpachi and yellowtail sushi / sashimi and Karukan sweets!

Click here to read more.. »

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Gochiso Magazine 2018 Winter / 『ごちそうマガジン』2018年 冬号

Posted on 4th January 2018 in Media

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2018 Winter” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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Gochiso Magazine 2017 Fall / 『ごちそうマガジン』2017秋号

Posted on 10th November 2017 in Media, Top News

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2017 Fall” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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KNIFE SHARPENING service at Nijiya Torrance Store! / ニジヤトーランス店にて包丁研ぎ実施!

Posted on 5th October 2017 in Torrance

We are starting “Knife Sharpening Service” at Nijiya Nijiya Torrance Store. (with a charge)

October 4 and 11, Wedenesday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave)

HAND SHARPENING! You’ll see the difference, We Guarantee! Bring your knife to make it razor sharp!


9:00 am – 4:00 pm

2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave)


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KNIFE SHARPENING service at Nijiya Torrance Store! / ニジヤトーランス店にて包丁研ぎ実施!

Posted on 23rd August 2017 in Torrance

We are starting “Knife Sharpening Service” at Nijiya Nijiya Torrance Store. (with a charge)

September 6 and 13, Wedenesday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave)

HAND SHARPENING! You’ll see the difference, We Guarantee! Bring your knife to make it razor sharp!


9:00 am – 4:00 pm

2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave)


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Gochiso Magazine 2017 Summer / 『ごちそうマガジン』2017年夏号

Posted on 23rd August 2017 in Media

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2017 Summer” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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Recipe / レシピ更新「Eel Inari Sushi / うなぎの稲荷寿司」

Posted on 1st August 2017 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 

「Eel Inari Sushi / うなぎの稲荷寿司」

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