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Update on Donation / 義援金について

Posted on 10th May 2011 in Japan

Thanks to your generous support, the total donation amount for Japan is $49,789.10 as of May 10th. Your continued help for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami is much appreciated.


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Recipe Updated:Deep-Fried Nagaimo / レシピ更新: ながいもフライ

Posted on 4th May 2011 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes for “Deep-Fried Nagaimo”.


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Japan Donations Update / 義援金について

Posted on 3rd May 2011 in Japan

Thanks to your generous support, the total donation amount for Japan is $48,386.13 as of May 3rd. Your continued help for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami is much appreciated.


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Update on Donation / 義援金について

Posted on 2nd May 2011 in Japan

To our valued customers

The donation towards the Japan earthquake relief
fund has reached 3,821,010 Yen and we have sent
it to the Japan Red Cross Society on April 29th.
We will continue to collect donations. We appreciate your generous support.

* The organization has been changed to the Japan Red Cross Society due to its destination. Thank you for your understanding.


東日本大震災義援金 計382 万1010 円を


* 使用目的の関係上、当初の予定を変更し送金先は日本赤十字社にさせて頂きました。ご了承ください。

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Nijiya Recipe Updated / ニジヤレシピ更新

Posted on 26th April 2011 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes for “Squid&Eel Chirashi Sushi, Pasta with Shirasu&Green Beans, Curry with Corn Kheema Style and Roll Cake with Tea Powder.”


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Japan Donations Update / 義援金について

Posted on 25th April 2011 in Japan

Thanks to your generous support, the total donation amount for Japan is $46,862.49 as of April 25th. Your continued help for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami is much appreciated.


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Recipe Updated: Niratama-gayu / レシピ更新: にらたまがゆ

Posted on 18th April 2011 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted a recipe for Niratama-gayu (rice porridge with Japanese leeks and eggs).


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Web Site Renewal / HPリニューアル

Posted on 15th April 2011 in Nijiya Market

We have renewed our web site.
Click here to read more.. »

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