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Nijiya Gift Card / ニジヤ ギフトカード

Posted on 23rd December 2011 in Nijiya Gift

Introducing Nijiya Market Gift Cards!
Please check the detail here.
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Truffle Available! / トリュフ限定発売

Posted on 9th December 2011 in Fruit & Vegetable

We have truffle available at Torrance, Sawtelle, and San Diego store. * Numbers are limited.


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December Sale! No.2 (12/9 – 12/12)

Posted on 8th December 2011 in Sale

Here comes the second December Sale!
We prepared Kazunoko, Sobako and other must-items for traditional year-end dishes, as well as Kagamimochi!

Also, End of the Year Sweepstake will be taking place on the 16th December.
So don’t miss the chance — win a gift certificate and save on your next purchase!!

Please check the detail here!




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Recip / レシピ更新「Poki Don (Poki bowl) / ポキ丼」

Posted on 8th December 2011 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
レシピサイトを更新しました。「Poki Don (Poki bowl) / ポキ丼」

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11/18(Fri) – 11/29(Tue) Thanksgiving Day Sale!! / サンクスギビングデー セール!

Posted on 16th November 2011 in Sale

“Thanksgiving Day Sale” is coming up!!

「サンクスギビングデー セール」開催

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High-End IBERICO Pork / 超高級イベリコ豚

Posted on 11th November 2011 in Meat & Fish

High-End Black Pork “IBERICO Pork” is now available at Nijiya!!

“Iberico Pork” is s super premium pork from Spain and well recognized among gourmet. What’s special about this pork? They are pastured without resistance in nature. Each pig is assigned a lot more space than that of regular pigs. In addition, they are 100% acorn-fed. It is all natural without GMO, and hormone drugs. It is not distributed in U.S.A. except for some restaurants.
This time, Nijiya Market has just started carrying Iberico Pork as one of our meat selections. Nijiya Market carries only the highest grade of Iberico Pork (De Bellota). Please try this super premium pork!!

超高級イベリコ豚 販売開始!


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11/11(Fri) – 11/14(Mon) Gourmet Winter Sale!! / あったかうまいもの市!

Posted on 8th November 2011 in Sale

11/11(Fri) – 11/14(Mon) “Gourmet Winter Sale” is coming up!!


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A CURRY ON WHEELS @ Nijiya Torrance

Posted on 28th October 2011 in Torrance

On 10/28(Fri) & 10/29(Sat), “A CURRY ON WHEELS” food truck comes to our Torrance parking lot!!

10/28(金)-10/29(土)、『A CURRY ON WHEELS』のトラックがトーランス店のパーキングにやってきます!

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Sawtelle Now On Facebook

Posted on 27th October 2011 in Southern California

Sawtelle is now on Facebook!!

You can find Sawtelle store deals on Facebook & Twitter.

Sawtelle NEWS

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Nijiya Farm Satsuma-Imo (Japanese sweet potato) / ニジヤ農場さつまいも

Posted on 25th October 2011 in Fruit & Vegetable, Nijiya Farm

Satsuma-Imo (Japanese sweet potato) 2011 New Crop
In a serene valley, our Nijiya Farm Satsuma-Imo abundantly grows in a natural, boundless field tended carefully by our skilled farmers. Our delicious Nijiya Farm Satsuma-Imo will be available soon in all stores.


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