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Recip / レシピ更新「Buta-Tama (Pork Omelet)/ ぶたたま」

Posted on 16th April 2012 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
レシピサイトを更新しました。「Buta-Tama (Pork Omelet)/ ぶたたま」

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Nijiya Selection: Orita-En Tea / おりた園のお茶

Posted on 10th April 2012 in Grocery

Our Recommendation

[Orita-En] – Teas by Nobuo Orita, the Tea Maestro.

Kagoshima is known for its tea, and Nijiya is proud to introduce “Orita-En,” the Orita Tea Farm. Unlike many other tea companies in Japan that source their leaves from other farmers, Mr. Orita produces all of his tea leaves at his own farms. He will then process the leaves at his own facility and packs them there, overseeing the whole production process. That’s why we call him a maestro, a true tea master.

Flavor chracteristics

All of his teas have unmistakably rich and strong flavors.

Yes, No Middleman.

The orders from Nijiya are packed especially in a separate lot to guarantee the freshness and the quality every time. As soon as the lot is ready, it is assembled into a container and shipped directly from Shibushi, Kagoshima.


[折田園のお茶] – 茶匠 折田信夫作






Click here to read more.. »

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Tuna Filleting Performance! / マグロの解体ショー

Posted on 4th April 2012 in Meat & Fish

Please come and enjoy our Tuna Filleting Performance on 4/14 Sat!
Starting at 11:00am @ 5 Stores:
Torrance, West L.A., Little Tokyo, San Diego, Mountain View.

マグロの解体ショー 4/14(土) 11:00am~ お楽しみに!
Torrance, West L.A., Little Tokyo, San Diego, Mountain View.

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Gochiso Magazine 2012 Spring / 『ごちそうマガジン』2012春号

Posted on 30th March 2012 in Media

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2012 Spring” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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Recip / レシピ更新「Purple Sweet Road Pudding / 紫いもプリン」

Posted on 29th March 2012 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
レシピサイトを更新しました。「Purple Sweet Road Pudding / 紫いもプリン」

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Sweet Potato Festival / さつまいもスイーツ祭

Posted on 16th March 2012 in Bakery & Cake

Sweet potatoes harvested in the Nijiya organic farm are now turned into delicious homemade dessert! This healthy dessert is Nijiya’s original. It is newly available from March 16th and 23rd.
(Availability varies from store to store)


Click here to read more.. »

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Recip / レシピ更新「Purple Sweet Potato Yokan (sweet jelly) / 紫いもようかん」

Posted on 14th March 2012 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
レシピサイトを更新しました。「Purple Sweet Potato Yokan (sweet jelly) / 紫いもようかん」

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Sumo as a Gift! / デコポン ギフト登場

Posted on 16th February 2012 in Fruit & Vegetable, Nijiya Gift

Sumo is now available as a gift through our online store!
Please check the detail here.


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Sumo (aka Dekopon) now Available! / デコポン、全店で好評発売中!

Posted on 13th February 2012 in Fruit & Vegetable

In the1970s a citrus grower in Japan set out to develop a fruit which would combine the best of the easy-to peel. Satsuma with big, juicy sweet oranges from California. This new fruit proved challenging to grow, but thankfully, grower persevered.

It took over 30 years, but his hard work was rewarded. This new variety became the most prized citrus fruit in Japan and Korea. Now this legendary fruit, which is called Dekopon in Japan and Hallabong in Korea, is finally available for the enjoyment of consumers here in America.

It’s grown on farms in California’s Central Valley to the same exacting standards of the original Kumamoto farmer. It is the biggest mandarin you’ve ever seen. It has a distinctive shape with a prominent “top-knot”. The peel is bright orange, bumpy and loose so it peels effortlessly. The delicate sections separate easily. It’s seedless, juicy without being messy, and it is quite probably the sweetest citrus you’ll ever eat.

It is available at all Nijiya stores. Besides, we offer delivery service!

Please check here for more detail.







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Nijiya Tempura Batter Mix / ニジヤ天ぷら粉

Posted on 13th February 2012 in Deli & Sushi, Media

Do you like Tempura? We are going to show you how to cook Tempura on your own. With Nijiya’s Tempura batter mix, preparation can be very simple! Please try it yourself. You can watch this video on TV as well.


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