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Morchella / アミガサタケ 入荷しました。

Posted on 25th June 2013 in Fruit & Vegetable

Morchella has a shape of an egg, and its texture looks like a beehive. Besides from its appearance, what makes it more unique is that this mushroom is hollow. Morchella mushroom is pretty famous in Minnesota and is known as the state’s mushroom.

Even though it has thin flesh, it becomes crunchy when it is heated, and has an aftertaste of a mushroom. It goes well with oil and cream, so it is recommended to be used in gratin and stews, or even used in soups and stir-fry.



Recip / レシピ「Vegetable Stir-fry with Morchellas/アミガサタケ入り野菜炒め」

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Honey Peach / 水蜜桃 入荷しました。

Posted on 14th June 2013 in Fruit & Vegetable

There are many kinds of peaches in US. Since America’s mainstream “Stone Fruit” is hard and small, soft and large-sized Honey Peaches are amazingly delicious.

Nijiya’s California Honey Peaches have smooth texture, very juicy and sweet taste. Sugar content is surprisingly 19%! Please appreciate it soon since these Honey Peaches are only here for a short season!


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Berry Berry Fair!

Posted on 6th June 2013 in Fruit & Vegetable

Now is the season of the fruits! Berry Fair.

Delicious berry are available this year.
Strawberry, blue berry, raspberry, blackberry.
Driscoll’s Berry is proud of its history of 100 years!
Berries that are antioxidant-rich, with its unchanging taste!
Please try these nutritious berries today!

(Items may vary depending on participating stores.)


100年の歴史を誇るDriscoll’s 社の優良ベリーが勢ぞろい!


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New! PORCINI / ポルチーニ 新入荷!

Posted on 22nd May 2013 in Fruit & Vegetable

Porcini is known and famous along with Truffle and Matsutake as a premium ingredient and popular in Italian and Polish cuisine.
Porcini means “piglet” in Italian named after the resemblance of the round shape. It grows in coniferous forests and produce highly aromatic meaty texture body with rich flavor. It is commonly used in pasta, risotto and soups.



Recip / レシピ「Simple Porcini Pasta / ポルチーニのシンプルパスタ」

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Recip / レシピ更新「Simple Porcini Pasta / ポルチーニのシンプルパスタ」

Posted on 22nd May 2013 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
「Simple Porcini Pasta / ポルチーニのシンプルパスタ」

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「Shio koji Kinoko Gohan / 塩麹ときのこの炊き込みご飯」

Posted on 15th May 2013 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
「Shio koji Kinoko Gohan / 塩麹ときのこの炊き込みご飯」

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Recip / レシピ更新「Yamagata-Style Tama Konnyaku / 玉こんにゃく山形風」

Posted on 2nd May 2013 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
「Yamagata-Style Tama Konnyaku / 玉こんにゃく山形風」

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Nijiya Satsuma-imo Amazake / ニジヤ さつま芋甘酒

Posted on 1st March 2013 in Media, Nijiya Brand

Nijiya Handmade: Sweet Potato Cold Amazake.

Amazake is a traditional sweet beverage in Japan and is made with Malted Rice.
Now it is commonly consumed as a warm drink on Girl’s day celebration or cold days in winter;
however, it is said that Amazake has basically consumed as a cold drink to cool body down in

We are proudly introducing our Amazake which is made with sweet potato. Its sweetness is only
coming from malted rice (the starch is converted to sugar) and of course no sugars are added-
very healthy and naturally tasty. Furthermore, it is non-alcohol beverage so all generations can
enjoy it.

The flavor of Sweet Potato Amazake is superior when consuming as a cold beverage.
Please enjoy as it is, diluted with water, soda, milk, or soy milk, adding ginger or yogurt, or
Shochu if you prefer to drink alcohol.

ニジヤ手作り! 冷やしておいしい・さつま芋の甘酒





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Recip / レシピ更新「Shio koji Mayo Potato Salad / 塩麹マヨのポテトサラダ」

Posted on 27th February 2013 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
「Shio koji Mayo Potato Salad / 塩麹マヨのポテトサラダ」

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Nijiya Nori Tsukudani / ニジヤ海苔佃煮

Posted on 6th February 2013 in Grocery, Nijiya Brand

New items are added to our popular “Nijiya Small Bottle” series-Nori Tsukudani and Nori Tsukudani w/Shiitake. Nori tsukudani is made with very simple ingredients-Nori seaweed and seasonings, and added Shiitake Mushrooms to it is Nori tsukudani Shiitake.

Nori Seaweed is rich in Protein, Vitamins and Minerals. In addition, we made it without MSG and thickener so that you feel natural and gently smooth taste.
Enjoy on steamed rice and of course with Onigiri!

Because of chilled item, these items are not available online.




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