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Gochiso Magazine 2013 Fall / 『ごちそうマガジン』2013秋号

Posted on 30th September 2013 in Media

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2013 Fall” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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Gochiso Magazine Making / ご馳走マガジン 撮影情報

Posted on 20th September 2013 in Media

We are making Gochiso Magazine now!
The video above is the making of kids challenge part.


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Raising Organic Plants / オーガニック野菜を育てる

Posted on 20th September 2013 in Nijiya Farm

You can’t use agrichemical to be an organic farm! Here is one of our powerful force, LadyBugs!!


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Moroheiya, eggplant, bitter melon! / モロヘイヤ、なす、ゴーヤ!

Posted on 6th August 2013 in Nijiya Farm


Moroheiya & Egg plant



This is growing Bitter Melon!

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Refrigeration is OK! – Still fluffy! / 冷蔵OK! 冷やしてもふわふわパン!

Posted on 30th July 2013 in Bakery & Cake

Deterioration of foods is always concerned during hot season. Have you ever thought if the bread is kept its fluffiness in the refrigerator?
Nijiya Cherry Blossom offers the original recipe breads that are hardly lose its moisture even if you keep them in the refrigerator.

★Mini-Pan series (Red bean Paste 2 kinds [with skin and without skin] and Melon Pan) (Keep in Room temperature or Refrigerator)
6 pieces of small-sized breads are in one package. The size is just fit for lightly filling your stomach or for snacks of children. These are always loved in any generations.

★Arabiki Sausage Pan (Keep Refrigerated)
This is very popular bread made with “Nijiya Arabiki Sausage”. You may feel satisfaction with just one piece. If you warm it up before serving, it will more delicious because the juicy and chunky texture of sausage will be enhanced. Please add ketchup and mustard for your preference.

★Cream Pan & Cream Melon Pan (Keep Refrigerated)
The filling of Cream Pan and Cream Melon Pan is the same custard cream of Cream Puff that is very popular item of Nijiya Cake Kobo. We can say these are close to dessert. These, especially Melon pan and Custard cream combination, sound too sweet, but these have moderate sweetness that you obviously can eat whole.

★Choco Custard Twist (Keep in Room temperature or Refrigerator)
Plenty of chocolate chip and custard cream are rolled up with this thick and heavy bread. It is delicious when you tear it off and eat as it is or slice and toast it lightly. It is slightly sweet and may fit for simple breakfast to children.

★Purple Sweet Potato Bread (Keep in Room temperature or Refrigerator)
This bread is rich in nutrients because it is made with purple sweet potato. The purple sweet potato has beta-carotene, vitamin B1 and C, potassium, magnesium, fibers and other vitamins and minerals. Especially, it contains plenty of Polyphenol (Anthocyanin) which is known as an antioxidant. It helps anti-aging and eyes and liver functions.

CHERRY BLOSSOMでは、冷やしても固くなりにくいオリジナルレシピパンをご提供しています。

★ミニパンシリーズ(つぶあん、こしあん、メロンパン) (常温・冷蔵)

とってもポピュラーな惣菜パン。Cherry Blossomのソーセージパンは、これまた人気の“にじやあらびきソーセージ”をまるまる一本使い、一個でも食べ応え十分。そのままでも美味しいですが、食べる前に温めたほうがふわふわポリポリジューシーでより美味です。お好みでケチャップやマスタードをつけても。


カスタードクリームは、Nijiya Cake Koboのクリームパフ(シュークリーム)に入っているものと同じものを使用。とってもクリーミーで、もはやデザートの域。メロンパンとカスタードクリームのコンビは甘すぎるんじゃ?と思われがちですが、どちらも甘さ控えめなのであっという間に完食間違いなし!



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Hiyashi Noodles

Posted on 26th July 2013 in Deli & Sushi

Hiyashi Chuka / 冷やし中華

Even you are Ramen lover or not, Hiyashi Chuka (Cold Ramen) is very attractive in the hot season. This ideal meal in summer has smooth sensation when you swallowing, and helps supplying proteins, vitamins and minerals with plenty of toppings such as Cha-siu, imitation crab meat, egg, cucumbers, tomatoes, and shiitake mushrooms.
Additionally, soup aside is Nijiiya Homemade – refreshing and a hint of sesame flavor. Of course no MSG is added.


Zaru Soba, Zaru Udon / ざるそば、ざるうどん

Combination with noodles and tempra or sushi is gorgeous and very popular. Compared with them, these items seem very simple.
Since some people may consider the amount of carbohydrate and fat intake, these simple bowls obviously give advantages.
You can create your own combination with variety of Nijiya side dishes- cooked fish, meat and tofu items for protein intake, cooked vegetables or salad for vitamins and minerals intake. It will be fun to explore combinations with good nutrient balance.
Enjoy healthy eats!


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NIJIYA “NUKADOKO(Rice Bran Bed for Pickles)” SET

Posted on 26th July 2013 in Grocery, Nijiya Brand

Nijiya “Nukadoko set” is a new sale item and all the necessary ingredients has been set- Organic Rice Bran, Salt, Dried Konbu Seaweed and Red Chili Peppers- to set it up. You can make your own Nukazuke at home with this convenient set.

Nukazuke is popular Japanese pickles that are pickled with lactic fermented rice bran. Basically, vegetables and fish are pickled with it.

Popular ingredient for Nukazuke is vegetables such as cucumbers, eggplants, Daikon radish, turnips and carrots and usually need one to two days to complete pickling.

You can seize many advantages from Nukazuke “at home” more than “retail”. For example, you can use seasonal and favorite ingredients and choose your favorite degree of pickling.

What is better than other products is that this set contains “soy sauce powder” that makes our Nukadoko unique.
Please use the container of this package for your convenience.





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Gochiso Magazine 2013 Summer / 『ごちそうマガジン』2013夏号

Posted on 22nd July 2013 in Media

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2013 Summer” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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Recip / レシピ更新「Hiya jiru / 冷汁」

Posted on 1st July 2013 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 

「Hiya jiru / 冷汁」

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Recip / レシピ更新「Vegetable Stir-fry with Morchellas / アミガサタケ入り野菜炒め」

Posted on 25th June 2013 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 

「Vegetable Stir-fry with Morchellas/アミガサタケ入り野菜炒め」

About Morchella アミガサタケとは?

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