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NIJIYA SUKIYAKI SAUCE, Now on sale! / ニジヤ・すき焼きのたれ、好評発売中!

Posted on 30th April 2014 in Media, Nijiya Brand

Sukiyaki sauce by Nijiya has NO MSG and is made with Kombu Dashi. It is easy to use and you can adjust flavors by adding more soy sauce or sake while cooking on the table. Natural Umami of this sauce will enhance the full flavor of the ingredients.

This sauce is good not only for Sukiyaki but for cooking Meat and Potato, Tofu, Chicken Soboro and Katsu-Don, also. Try with your favorite recipe.

Recipe: Poke Sukiyaki with lots of vegetables

Nijiya’s duBreton Pork

NO MSGで、食材の自然なおいしさが味わえる、ニジヤ自慢のすき焼きのたれです。



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Fava bean from Nijiya Farm / ニジヤファームのそら豆

Posted on 25th April 2014 in Nijiya Farm

Delicious Organic Fava bean will be available at Nijiya store shortly.

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Green Tea (Matcha) Kit Kat / 抹茶キットカット

Posted on 10th April 2014 in Confection

“Best Selling Green Tea (Matcha) Kit Kat”
Now available at Nijiya Online Store!! We can ship a case to your home.
(Each case contains a dozen bags)

Nijiya Online Store で好評発売中!

Order Now
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Gochiso Magazine Making / ご馳走マガジン 撮影情報

Posted on 1st April 2014 in Media

We are making Gochiso Magazine now!
The video above is the making of kids challenge part.


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Recip / レシピ更新「Daikon with Ground Chicken / 鶏そぼろ大根」

Posted on 12th February 2014 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 

「Daikon with Ground Chicken / 鶏そぼろ大根」

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NEW! Purple sweet potato Amazake
冷やしておいしい紫芋の甘酒 新登場!

Posted on 29th January 2014 in Deli & Sushi

A new drink [Purple sweet potato Amazake, it is good to drink cold] is here! This is a new variation of already popular [Sweet potato Amazake] introduced last year.

This [Purple sweet potato Amazake] is made with Organic purple sweet potato harvested in Nijiya’s organic farm. The organic purple sweet potato is fermented by malted rice to enhance its natural sweetness and rich flavor with no additives. There is no alcohol and no sugar added so that even small children can enjoy the drink.

The organic purple sweet potato Amazake is rich in Vitamin B, oligosaccharide, dextrose and dietary fiber. Olibosaccharide is known to increase the number of these beneficial bacteria in the colon while simultaneously reducing the population of harmful bacteria. And the color purple comes from Anthocyanin which act as powerful antioxidants and known to benefit maintaining eye sights and the liver.

This new original Purple Sweet Potato Amazake by Nijiya taste even better with your favorite ice cream or yogurt toppoings. It is also good warm or use to make a soup.

Start Amazake life with Nijiya’s Purple Sweet Potato Amazake for your beauty and health.






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Recip / レシピ更新「Shoga-Yaki (Pork Sauté with Ginger and Soy Sauce)/豚のしょうが焼き」

Posted on 12th January 2014 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 

「Shoga-Yaki (Pork Sauté with Ginger and Soy Sauce)/豚のしょうが焼き」

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Gochiso Magazine Making / ご馳走マガジン 撮影情報

Posted on 3rd January 2014 in Media

We are making Gochiso Magazine now!
The video above is the making of kids challenge part.


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Shungiku, Mitsuba, Kujo-negi / 春菊、三つ葉、九条ねぎ

Posted on 16th December 2013 in Nijiya Farm


Shungiku / 春菊


Mitsuba / 三つ葉


Kujo-negi / 九条ねぎ

Organic vegetables for Winter from Nijiya Farm!

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Gochiso Magazine 2013 Winter / 『ごちそうマガジン』2013冬号

Posted on 13th December 2013 in Media

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2013 Winter” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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