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Natural Shoyu Ikura

Posted on 16th October 2014 in Meat & Fish

We marinate the choicest ikura (salmon roe), from carefully selected fresh Alaskan salmon roe in our special sauce.

It’s the perfect accompaniment to rice or sushi. You won’t find this delicious, natural shoyu ikura (salmon roe marinated in soy sauce) anywhere else.



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Lightly Salted Wild Salmon from the Copper River
カッパーリバー産 天然甘塩紅鮭

Posted on 16th October 2014 in Meat & Fish

We recommend Copper River salmon because of its low sodium content, which is good for the body.

The Copper River is known for its long, treacherously choppy waves.
Salmon must consume and store a lot of nutrition in order to complete their journey upstream on this river. As a result, the fat content of salmon in the Copper River is approximately 2.5 times that of regular salmon. For this reason, Copper River Salmon is world famous.

Each year during the season of peak freshness, Nijiya produces enough lightly salted Copper River salmon for the entire year. Because we keep ample stock, customers know they can enjoy delicious Copper River salmon throughout the year.




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Nijiya’s original Sesame Sauce / 胡麻だれ

Posted on 2nd September 2014 in Nijiya Brand

Nijiya’s original Sesame Sauce has a rich full flavor of roasted sesame made without MSG. You can conveniently use it as a sauce for ShabuShabu, a salad dressing or a marinade. Try it for soup for a change.

The recipe as follows.

ニジヤ手作りの胡麻だれは、たっぷりの胡麻と濃厚な味わいが魅力です。そしてNO MSG。


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NIjiya Shio Koji / ニジヤ塩麹

Posted on 1st August 2014 in Grocery, Media

Shio Koji became firmly established as a seasoning in Japanese foods.
It seems like it has been found in the recent years, but it is traditional Japanese seasoning that were first made in the Tohoku region. Salt and koji was fermented and combined with water.

If you put shio Koji on meat and fish, a protein and starch is broken down into amino acids and sugar, and the taste is more flavorful. It could also be enjoyed with vegetables and drained tofu.

It is simple to use. For meat and fish, apply two teaspoons of shio koji, wrap it in plastic, and refrigerate for two to three hours and then bake it. For vegetables, cut into desired pieces and put it in a plastic bag. Add in two teaspoons of Shio Koji and make sure the veggies are glared with the koji. Enjoy after cooling it for two to three hours. If you let it cool overnight, the results are more flavorful.

Please enjoy Nijiya’s Homemade Shio Koji for your everyday cooking!





Nijiya Recipe ” NIjiya Shio Koji / ニジヤ塩麹 “

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Nijiya Summer Coloring Contest

Posted on 11th July 2014 in Stores


Please print out this PDF and bring your art work to us.

こちらの PDF をプリントアウトして、あなたの作品をお店までお持ち込みください。

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Posted on 10th July 2014 in Nijiya Farm





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Gochiso Magazine 2014 Summer / 『ごちそうマガジン』2014 夏号 配布中!

Posted on 9th July 2014 in Media

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2014 Summer” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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Gochiso Magazine Making / ご馳走マガジン 撮影情報

Posted on 18th June 2014 in Media

We are making Gochiso Magazine now!
The video above is the making of kids challenge part.


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Now on sale, Nijiya’s Chuka Dashi! / 新発売!ニジヤ中華だし

Posted on 2nd June 2014 in Nijiya Brand

Now on sale, Nijiya’s Chuka Dashi!
It is finished in the taste of soy sauce and vegetables.
Rich aroma and gentle taste, comes from the naturalism of additive-free chemical seasoning.
Familiar granule type, it is easy to use. Please use It in variety of soups, fried rice, salad, and stir-fry.

Recipe:Bean Sprouts Namu



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100% all natural! duBreton Pork / ニジヤのナチュラルポーク、デュブレトン

Posted on 6th May 2014 in Meat & Fish

Nijiya’s duBreton Pork is from Canada and it has been fed with 100% all natural vegetables including corn, soybean meal, wheat, gluten flour, beans and soy. The pork has no chemicals such as antibiotics; the process of breeding, feeding, and meat processing was thoroughly checked by monitors so the pork is healthy and safe. 

DuBreton Pork is filled with vitamins! Compared to other meats, our pork has Vitamin E1 that is good for stamina. It also has Vitamin B2 that promotes growth, Vitamin E to help us stay young, and it has minerals such as phosphorus, sulfur, and potassium which helps with metabolism. To our elderly and children, it is filled with nutrients that help the body.

ニジヤのduBreton Porkは、カナダの大自然の中、とうもろこし、大豆ミール、小麦、グルテン麦粉、豆、押し大豆を含む植物性穀物を飼料に100%オールナチュラルで飼育されています。

duBreton Porkは、ビタミンの宝庫!ほかの食肉に比べて、私たちのスタミナ源でもあるビタミンE1を数倍も多く含んでいます。また、成長を促進するビタミンB2、代謝を手助けしてくれるカリウム、リン、イオウなどのミネラル、そして若さを保つといわれるビタミンEなど。

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