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we recommend that you eat organic kiwi without peeling it!

Posted on 18th May 2015 in Fruit & Vegetable

Did you know…kiwi fruit is a great source of dietary fiber!
That is why we recommend that you eat organic kiwi without peeling it.
In addition, it is a good source of Vitamins C and E, to protect your skin from UV rays.
It is also effective for getting beautiful skin.
So get Nijiya’s fresh organic kiwi, rinse it off, and eat it as is!


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「Salted Lemon Pound Cake / 塩レモンケーキ」

Posted on 28th April 2015 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 

「Salted Lemon Pound Cake / 塩レモンケーキ」

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New!! Gochiso Magazine 2015 Spring / 『ごちそうマガジン』2015年春号

Posted on 21st March 2015 in Media

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2015 Spring” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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Kagoshima Fair at Torrance store! Mar 21~22 (Sat, Sun)

Posted on 18th March 2015 in Media

Our Torrance store will have many products from Kagoshima Japan.
There will be plenty of samples for you to try.

We will also have a drawing event from 11:00am, and we will distribute the drawing tickets at around 10:45 am.
Kagoshima’s favorite character, Asobu, will also join the event. He will play with kids and take pictures.

Please join us for the Kagoshima Fair.



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Recip / レシピ更新「Steamed Seabass and vegetables with salted lemon / スズキと野菜の塩レモン蒸し」

Posted on 10th March 2015 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 

「Steamed Seabass and vegetables with salted lemon / スズキと野菜の塩レモン蒸し」

Nijiya original Salted Organic Lemon / ニジヤオリジナル・オーガニック塩レモン

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Nijiya original organic salt lemon, now available in stores!

Posted on 3rd February 2015 in Nijiya Brand

Last year all-purpose seasoning, salt lemon caused a big impact in Japan.
Salt lemon is commonly used in places such as North Africa and Morocco. You can use this seasoning on meat, fish, and various kinds of vegetables also.

Originally, the whole lemon gets seasoned with salt, but Nijiya’s original salt lemon is in a paste form, so customers can enjoy the flavor of its skin, and it is also easy to use for cooking.
Lemon, of course organic! Salt that is used are the mineral-rich natural sea salt.
Although salt lemon goes well with any food, we recommend salt lemon sautéed chicken. Since meat is plump and soft, acidity will also be mellow while heating, so it could be enjoyed by those who doesn’t favor lemon as much. Other seasonings will be unnecessary if lemon salt is used. It can also be used in salads and desserts.



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Sumo (aka Dekopon) now Available! / デコポン、好評発売中!

Posted on 17th January 2015 in Fruit & Vegetable

In the1970s a citrus grower in Japan set out to develop a fruit which would combine the best of the easy-to peel. Satsuma with big, juicy sweet oranges from California. This new fruit proved challenging to grow, but thankfully, grower persevered.
It took over 30 years, but his hard work was rewarded. This new variety became the most prized citrus fruit in Japan and Korea. Now this legendary fruit, which is called Dekopon in Japan and Hallabong in Korea, is finally available for the enjoyment of consumers here in America.
It’s grown on farms in California’s Central Valley to the same exacting standards of the original Kumamoto farmer. It is the biggest mandarin you’ve ever seen. It has a distinctive shape with a prominent “top-knot”. The peel is bright orange, bumpy and loose so it peels effortlessly. The delicate sections separate easily. It’s seedless, juicy without being messy, and it is quite probably the sweetest citrus you’ll ever eat.


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Gochiso Magazine 2015 Winter / 『ごちそうマガジン』2015冬号

Posted on 7th January 2015 in Uncategorized

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2013 Fall” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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Gochiso Magazine Making / ご馳走マガジン 撮影情報

Posted on 1st December 2014 in Media

We are making Gochiso Magazine now!
The video above is the making of kids challenge part.


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Recip / レシピ更新
Salmon and Orange Marinade / サーモンとオレンジのマリネ

Posted on 3rd November 2014 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 

「Salmon and Orange Marinade / サーモンとオレンジのマリネ」

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