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Tuna Demolition Show

Tuna Filleting Performance @ Torrance Store / マグロの解体ショー@トーランス店

Posted on 19th April 2019 in Torrance

Please come and enjoy our Tuna Filleting Performance on 4/14 Sat!
Starting at 11:00am @ Torrance Store


マグロの解体ショー 4/20(土) 11:00am~ 


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Hand Sharpening

KNIFE SHARPENING service at Nijiya Torrance Store! / ニジヤトーランス店にて包丁研ぎ実施!

Posted on 18th April 2019 in Torrance


We are starting “Knife Sharpening Service” at Nijiya Nijiya Torrance Store. (with a charge)

May 1 & 8,  Wednesday

9:00 am – 4:00 pm

2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave)

HAND SHARPENING! You’ll see the difference, We Guarantee! Bring your knife to make it razor sharp!

HITACHIYA WEB site hitachiyausa.com





9:00 am – 4:00 pm

2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave)


常陸屋 WEB site hitachiyausa.com


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Soy sauce squeeze demonstration sales

Soy sauce squeeze demonstration sales @Torrance Store / しょうゆ搾り実演販売@トーランス店

Posted on 21st December 2018 in Torrance

Yugeta-Shoyu squeeze the mash which fermented in wooden vats for over a year at Torrance Store.
We gifted fresh soy sauce just squeezed to those who bought our soy sauce!


Date : Jan.12. Sat. 2019









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KNIFE SHARPENING service at Nijiya Torrance Store! / ニジヤトーランス店にて包丁研ぎ実施!

Posted on 23rd October 2018 in Torrance

We are starting “Knife Sharpening Service” at Nijiya Nijiya Torrance Store. (with a charge) November 7, Wedenesday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm 2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave) HAND SHARPENING! You’ll see the difference, We Guarantee! Bring your knife to make it razor sharp! HITACHIYA WEB site hitachiyausa.com

ニジヤトーランス店にて、下記の日程で包丁研ぎを実施します。(有料) 11月7日(水) 9:00 am – 4:00 pm 2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave) プロの研ぎ師が丁寧に研ぎ上げます!この機会をどうぞお見逃しなく! 常陸屋 WEB site hitachiyausa.com

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Sumidaya Rice Demonstration and Mini Cooking Class!


Posted on 6th March 2018 in San Diego, Top News, Torrance

SUMIDA YA is a rice wholesaler in Sumida-Ku, Tokyo, in Japan.
Founded in 1905, Sumida ya specializes in premium grade rice.

Its knowledge of polishing and blending rice sets their products apart from other brands. They polish the rice slowly to keep the aroma and blend a few variety of rice together to bring out the best flavor.

Please come to see the demonstration this weekend!

Demonstration will show making of rice so please come and try the samples! SIGN UP TODAY!!

Saturday, Mar.24 @Torrance Store
Cooking rice class: 11:00~12:00 / 15:00~16:00
Demonstration, Tasting & Sale : 12:00~15:00

Sunday, Mar.25 @San Diego Store
Cooking rice class: 11:00~12:00 / 15:00~16:00
Demonstration, Tasting & Sale : 12:00~15:00


炊飯教室:11:00~12:00 / 15:00~16:00

炊飯教室:11:00~12:00 / 15:00~16:00

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KNIFE SHARPENING service at Nijiya Torrance Store! / ニジヤトーランス店にて包丁研ぎ実施!

Posted on 5th October 2017 in Torrance

We are starting “Knife Sharpening Service” at Nijiya Nijiya Torrance Store. (with a charge)

October 4 and 11, Wedenesday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave)

HAND SHARPENING! You’ll see the difference, We Guarantee! Bring your knife to make it razor sharp!


9:00 am – 4:00 pm

2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave)


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KNIFE SHARPENING service at Nijiya Torrance Store! / ニジヤトーランス店にて包丁研ぎ実施!

Posted on 23rd August 2017 in Torrance

We are starting “Knife Sharpening Service” at Nijiya Nijiya Torrance Store. (with a charge)

September 6 and 13, Wedenesday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave)

HAND SHARPENING! You’ll see the difference, We Guarantee! Bring your knife to make it razor sharp!


9:00 am – 4:00 pm

2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave)


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KNIFE SHARPENING service at Nijiya Torrance Store! / ニジヤトーランス店にて包丁研ぎ実施!

Posted on 17th July 2017 in Torrance

We are starting “Knife Sharpening Service” at Nijiya Nijiya Torrance Store. (with a charge)

August 2 and 9, Wedenesday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave)

HAND SHARPENING! You’ll see the difference, We Guarantee! Bring your knife to make it razor sharp!


9:00 am – 4:00 pm

2121 West 182nd Street Torrance CA 90504 (182nd ST and Van Ness Ave)


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Sumidaya Rice Demonstration and Mini Cooking Class!


Posted on 16th June 2017 in San Diego, Sawtelle, Top News, Torrance

SUMIDA YA is a rice wholesaler in Sumida-Ku, Tokyo, in Japan.
Founded in 1905, Sumida ya specializes in premium grade rice.

Its knowledge of polishing and blending rice sets their products apart from other brands. They polish the rice slowly to keep the aroma and blend a few variety of rice together to bring out the best flavor.

Please come to see the demonstration this weekend!

Demonstration will show making of rice so please come and try the samples! SIGN UP TODAY!!

Friday, June 30th @Sawtelle Store
Demonstration, Tasting & Sale : 15:00~17:00

Saturday, July 1st @Torrance Store
Cooking rice class: 11:00~12:00 / 15:00~16:00
Demonstration, Tasting & Sale : 12:00~15:00

Sunday, July 2nd @San Diego Store
Cooking rice class: 11:00~12:00 / 15:00~16:00
Demonstration, Tasting & Sale : 12:00~15:00



炊飯教室:11:00~12:00 / 15:00~16:00

炊飯教室:11:00~12:00 / 15:00~16:00

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Nijiya Curry Festival! / ニジヤカレー祭り!@Torrance Store 

Posted on 25th April 2017 in Torrance

Come and enjoy different types of curry at Nijiya Torrance stores!
There will be many samples given, so you could find the one that best fits your taste. Curry roux will also be on sale! There will be curry pan, curry croquette, and at the restaurant, we will be serving curry udon! If you love curry, you don’t want to miss this out! 
We will also be holding meat day on April 29th. Don’t forget the potatoes, carrots, and onions too!


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