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Recipe / レシピ更新「Matsutake Risotto / 松茸のリゾット」

Posted on 20th October 2016 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 

「Matsutake Risotto / 松茸のリゾット」

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Recipe / レシピ更新「Eggplant and Chicken Curry Cheese Bake / なすとチキンのカレーチーズ焼き」

Posted on 6th August 2016 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 

「Eggplant and Chicken Curry Cheese Bake / なすとチキンのカレーチーズ焼き」

Nijiya Curry Flakes ニジヤカレーフレーク

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Gochiso Magazine 2016 Summer / 『ごちそうマガジン』2016年夏号

Posted on 28th July 2016 in Media

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2016 Summer” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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Introducing our new Nijiya Curry Flakes! / ニジヤカレーフレーク新登場!

Posted on 19th July 2016 in Nijiya Brand

From the popular request of our customers, it is finally here! Nijiya Curry Flakes has a blend of 18 spices and 4 fruit juices. It does not contain any meat, it only has natural ingredients. Each ingredient is carefully selected to create a homemade style curry that is medium spicy, and kids will sure to love the sweetness that comes from the fruit juices. It is in an easy-to-use flake form which dissolves easily so it may be used in a variety of dishes such as stir-fries, karaage, croquette, and pasta.


*Nijiya Recipe
Eggplant and Chicken Curry Cheese Bake / なすとチキンのカレーチーズ焼き

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Gochiso Magazine Making / ご馳走マガジン 撮影情報

Posted on 22nd April 2016 in Media

We are making Gochiso Magazine now!
The video above is the making of kids challenge part.


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Gochiso Magazine Making / ご馳走マガジン 撮影情報

Posted on 4th January 2016 in Media

We are making Gochiso Magazine now!
The video above is the making of kids challenge part.


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Recipe / レシピ更新「Salmon Mirin Kasu Soup / みりん粕の鮭汁」

Posted on 9th December 2015 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 

「Salmon Mirin Kasu Soup / みりん粕の鮭汁」

Mirin Kasu ニジヤのみりん粕

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Mirin Kasu -Rice Yeast /みりん粕

Posted on 8th December 2015 in Nijiya Brand

It is easy to use for grilled fish or meat!
You can also mix with Miso or Mayonnaise to make vegetable dips!

Mirin is made by brewing a mixture of rice, malted rice and distilled rice wine for a couple of month. Marin kasu or Mirin lees are solids left after the mixture was filtered and pressed to make Mirin liquid. Marin kasu is rich in resistant protein which functions similar to dietary fibers. Many studies have shown it removes short-chain fatty acids from the small intestine and promote many medicinal benefits.



Nijiya Recipe / ニジヤレシピ

⚫︎Salmon Mirin Kasu Soup / みりん粕の鮭汁

⚫︎Soy milk banana shake with Mirin kasu / みりん粕の豆乳バナナシェイク

⚫︎Mirin Kasu pickled vegetables / 野菜のみりん粕浅漬け

⚫︎Baked Cod with Mirin Kasuzuke / 鱈のみりん粕漬け焼き

⚫︎Mirin Kasu Apple Pound Cake / みりん粕のりんごパウンドケーキ

⚫︎Crispy Mirin Kasu Cookie / みりん粕のサクサククッキー

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Gochiso Magazine 2015 Fall / 『ごちそうマガジン』2015秋号

Posted on 11th November 2015 in Media

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2015 Fall” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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ニジヤファームを動画でご紹介! / Nijiya Farm on Youtube

Posted on 6th November 2015 in Nijiya Farm
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