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Recipe Updated / レシピ更新

Posted on 2nd June 2011 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes.


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Pre-Summer Sale!! 6/10(Fri) – 6/13(Mon)

Posted on 1st June 2011 in Sale

6/10(FRI) – 6/13(MON) “Pre-Summer Sale” is coming up!!


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Recipe Updated / レシピ更新

Posted on 20th May 2011 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes.


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Recipe Updated:Deep-Fried Nagaimo / レシピ更新: ながいもフライ

Posted on 4th May 2011 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes for “Deep-Fried Nagaimo”.


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Nijiya Recipe Updated / ニジヤレシピ更新

Posted on 26th April 2011 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes for “Squid&Eel Chirashi Sushi, Pasta with Shirasu&Green Beans, Curry with Corn Kheema Style and Roll Cake with Tea Powder.”


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Recipe Updated: Niratama-gayu / レシピ更新: にらたまがゆ

Posted on 18th April 2011 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted a recipe for Niratama-gayu (rice porridge with Japanese leeks and eggs).


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Web Site Renewal / HPリニューアル

Posted on 15th April 2011 in Nijiya Market

We have renewed our web site.
Click here to read more.. »

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