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Early Spring Sale! (1/20 – 1/23)

Posted on 20th January 2012 in Sale

Happy New Year!
Hope you would enjoy our sale this year too!
Harvest of Satsuma Imo (sweet potato) Fair starts together with the Early Spring Sale.
We are bringing to you organic Satsuma Imo from our own farm, As well as some Japanese Imo dishes.

Also, we are taking Eho maki orders for Setsubun!

Please check the detail here!

2012年度もニジヤのセールをお楽しみください ♪
ニジヤファームからのオーガニックさつま芋 (金時)や、芋料理各種を、お届けいたします。



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Recip / レシピ更新「Double Radish Salad / 大根づくしサラダ」

Posted on 19th January 2012 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
レシピサイトを更新しました。「Double Radish Salad / 大根づくしサラダ」

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Recipe / レシピ更新「Temaki Zushi(Sushi Hand Roll) with Kaiware Daikon / 貝割れ大根の手巻き寿司」

Posted on 6th January 2012 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
レシピサイトを更新しました。「Temaki Zushi(Sushi Hand Roll) with Kaiware Daikon / 貝割れ大根の手巻き寿司」

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Nijiya Organic Miso / ニジヤ有機みそ

Posted on 28th December 2011 in Deli & Sushi, Media

We are going to introduce our healthy organic Miso! Please watch this video if you would like to learn how to make Miso soup on your own. You can watch this video on TV as well.


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Gochiso Magazine 2011 Winter / 『ごちそうマガジン』2011冬号

Posted on 27th December 2011 in Media

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2011 Winter” is finally published. Full of delicious winter recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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Recipe Updated / レシピ更新「抹茶羊羹とフルーツサラダ」

Posted on 26th December 2011 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
レシピサイトを更新しました。「Green Tea Yokan(Sweet Jelly) and Fruit Salad /抹茶羊羹とフルーツサラダ」

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Nijiya Gift Card / ニジヤ ギフトカード

Posted on 23rd December 2011 in Nijiya Gift

Introducing Nijiya Market Gift Cards!
Please check the detail here.
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December Sale! No.2 (12/9 – 12/12)

Posted on 8th December 2011 in Sale

Here comes the second December Sale!
We prepared Kazunoko, Sobako and other must-items for traditional year-end dishes, as well as Kagamimochi!

Also, End of the Year Sweepstake will be taking place on the 16th December.
So don’t miss the chance — win a gift certificate and save on your next purchase!!

Please check the detail here!




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Recip / レシピ更新「Poki Don (Poki bowl) / ポキ丼」

Posted on 8th December 2011 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
レシピサイトを更新しました。「Poki Don (Poki bowl) / ポキ丼」

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11/18(Fri) – 11/29(Tue) Thanksgiving Day Sale!! / サンクスギビングデー セール!

Posted on 16th November 2011 in Sale

“Thanksgiving Day Sale” is coming up!!

「サンクスギビングデー セール」開催

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