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Posted on 29th August 2012 in Nijiya Farm
枝豆収穫体験ツアーを行いました!(8/22 & 26/2012)
Soy Bean Crop Tour @ Nijiya Farm. (8/22 & 8/26)
Soy Bean, Bitter Melon, Okura, Eggplant… There are lots of seasonal plants!
“Crop, Boil and Eat!” is the best way to taste fresh soy bean!
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Nijiya Farm Edamame(Young Soybeans) / ニジヤ農場えだまめ

Posted on 15th August 2012 in Nijiya Farm

Edamame (Soybeans) 2012 New Crop.
Our delicious Nijiya Farm Edamame will be available this weekend in all stores.(Except two stores in Hawaii)


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NIJIYA Chicken Curry & Beef Curry / ニジヤ チキンカレーとビーフカレー

Posted on 26th July 2012 in Grocery, Nijiya Brand

Chicken Curry & Beef Curry with chunk of meats!

New Chicken Curry and Beef Curry are coming with chunky meats.

The bases of soup are made with chicken (for chicken curry) or beef (for beef curry) that are rich in Umami, and cook with plenty of onions, carrots, and celery. All vegetables are melted during slow cooking, so you never miss the nutrients of all vegetables. Now we add chunk of chicken meats for chicken curry and beef for beef curry. Consequently, the curries are more volume and Umami than previous ones.

Preparation is very easy; warm the package with boiling water for six minutes, and serve.
You can enjoy light taste of Chicken Curry or a rich taste of Beef Curry depending on your favor.

  • Product info: 8oz/$2.99(Chicken), 8oz/$3.49(Beef)
  • shelf life: 25 days
  • Keep Refrigerated
* Available at California stores only.





  • 8 oz入り
  • 賞味期限:製造日から25日/要冷蔵
  • 通常小売価格:チキン入りカレー $2.99, ビーフ入りカレー $3.49
* ハワイ・ニューヨーク店除く
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Nijiya Natural Natto / ニジヤ有機納豆

Posted on 3rd July 2012 in Grocery, Media, Nijiya Brand

Have you ever tasted fermented soybeans called “Natto”? It is one of the most popular Japanese side dishes. Yes, it is smelly… but actually tasty in your mouth! You will agree if you are brave enough to try it out. =) Please enjoy our natural and healthy Natto.

今回はニジヤ有機納豆で海鮮納豆を作ってみます。ニジヤのお刺身セットと混ぜるだけで、簡単に美味しいサイドメニューの出来上がりです♪ ニジヤの美味しい納豆を、是非お試しください。

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Gochiso Magazine Summer Making / ご馳走マガジン・夏号 撮影情報

Posted on 19th June 2012 in Media

We are making Gochiso Magazine 2012 Summer now!
The video above is the making of kids challenge part.


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Recip / レシピ更新「Kama-age Shirasu Don / 釜揚げしらす丼」

Posted on 17th May 2012 in Nijiya Recipe

Recip / レシピ更新「Kama-age Shirasu Don / 釜揚げしらす丼」

We have posted the recipes. 
レシピサイトを更新しました。「Kama-age Shirasu Don / 釜揚げしらす丼」

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Nijiya Soba Tsuyu / ニジヤそばつゆ

Posted on 14th May 2012 in Grocery, Media

Let’s make Salad Soba with Nijiya Soba Tsuyu. It’s very simple and one of the best dishes for hot summer. Please try it yourself. You can watch this video on TV as well.


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Recip / レシピ更新「Salad Soba / サラダそば」

Posted on 30th April 2012 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
レシピサイトを更新しました。「Salad Soba / サラダそば」

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Nijiya Farm Soramame (Broad Bean) / ニジヤ農場そらまめ

Posted on 25th April 2012 in Nijiya Farm

Soramame (Broad Bean) 2012 New Crop.
Our delicious Nijiya Farm Soramame will be available this weekend in all stores.


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Recip / レシピ更新「Salmon Chirashi/ 鮭ちらし」

Posted on 24th April 2012 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
レシピサイトを更新しました。「Salmon Chirashi/ 鮭ちらし」

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