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Nijiya Nori Tsukudani / ニジヤ海苔佃煮

Posted on 6th February 2013 in Grocery, Nijiya Brand

New items are added to our popular “Nijiya Small Bottle” series-Nori Tsukudani and Nori Tsukudani w/Shiitake. Nori tsukudani is made with very simple ingredients-Nori seaweed and seasonings, and added Shiitake Mushrooms to it is Nori tsukudani Shiitake.

Nori Seaweed is rich in Protein, Vitamins and Minerals. In addition, we made it without MSG and thickener so that you feel natural and gently smooth taste.
Enjoy on steamed rice and of course with Onigiri!

Because of chilled item, these items are not available online.




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Gochiso Magazine Spring Making / ご馳走マガジン・春号 撮影情報

Posted on 6th February 2013 in Media

We are making Gochiso Magazine Spring now!
The video above is the making of kids challenge part.


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Sweet Potato Sweets & Breads / さつまいもスイーツ祭

Posted on 22nd January 2013 in Bakery & Cake, Nijiya Farm


Sweets and Breads made with Organic Kintoki(yellow) & Purple sweet potatoes from Nijiya Organic Farm are coming from Cake Kobo & Cherry Blossom.

Sweet Potato is rich in Vitamin C and Fiber which are help preventing with lifestyle-related disease and maintaining the stomach condition. Furthermore, a chemical, named “Anthocyanin” in purple sweet potato, is known as antioxidant that helps anti-aging.

We are pleased helping better and healthy eating with our delight foods.


ニジヤ・オーガニックファーム より、さつまいもスイーツ祭



Click here to read more.. »

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Gochiso Magazine 2012 Winter / 『ごちそうマガジン』2012冬号

Posted on 11th January 2013 in Media

Nijiya’s seasonal magazine “Gochiso Magazine 2012 Winter” is finally published. Full of delicious recipe and food. It’s Free at all Nijiya stores.


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Nijiya Organic Seaweed / ニジヤ オーガニック海苔

Posted on 11th January 2013 in Deli & Sushi, Grocery, Nijiya Brand

Crispy type that is great for temaki sushi. It comes in 10 slices per pack so cut it into 1/4 and enjoy temaki sushi with fresh sashimi from Nijiya with your family!

It is available at your closest Nijiya Market, OR at Nijiya Online Store!!



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Gochiso Magazine Winter Making / ご馳走マガジン・冬号 撮影情報

Posted on 21st November 2012 in Media

We are making Gochiso Magazine 2012 Autumn now!
The video above is the making of kids challenge part.


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Nijiya Exquisite Sake-kasu / ニジヤ極上酒粕

Posted on 4th November 2012 in Grocery, Nijiya Brand

Sake is made ​​on the basis of raw materials rice, rice koji and water.
Fermented soft solid, called “Moromi (mash)”, is formed in the brewing process. Sake is the liquid resulted from squeezing “Moromi”, and its residue is “Sake-kasu (lees)”.

Nijiya’s Sake-kasu is more matured and pasted lees called “Neri-kasu”. This superb Sake-kasu has more umami and is rich in aroma and taste. It is also fresh and soft so that you can use it easily.

A lot of nutrients from yeast remains in Sake-kasu, including carbhydrates, proteins, fibers, and vitamin B. It is certainly a healthy food. You can use Sake-kasu for daily dishes such as Kasu-jiru, pickles, and desserts.

Because of chilled item, these items are not available online.





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Recip / レシピ更新「Kasujiru / 粕汁」

Posted on 1st November 2012 in Nijiya Recipe

We have posted the recipes. 
レシピサイトを更新しました。「Kasujiru / 粕汁」

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Gochiso Magazine Autumn Making / ご馳走マガジン・秋号 撮影情報

Posted on 8th October 2012 in Media

We are making Gochiso Magazine 2012 Autumn now!
The video above is the making of kids challenge part.


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Shoyu & Shio Koji, + Rayu! / 醤油麹、塩麹、食べるラー油!

Posted on 26th September 2012 in Grocery, Media, Nijiya Brand

Small Bottle Seasoning Series

Nijiya Homemade Shoyu-Koji

Shoyu Koji is now very popular following “Shio-Koji”.

It is made with soy sauce and malted rice.
Because soy sauce is fermented food, Shoyu Koji has over 10 times of Glutamine compared with Shio Koji. In short, Shoyu Koji has more Umami than Shio Koji.

The point is an excellent balance of Umami, Sweetness, Saltiness, and Flavor. In addition, Fermented foods are very nutritious and will help people being healthy.

How to use it? Shoyu Koji is all around player for any cook. For example;

  • Substitution of soy sauce for Grilled Meats/Fish/Vegetables, Natto, or Sashimi.
  • Seasoning for cooked vegetables(Boiled/Steamed/Stir fried/etc), Meatballs/Hamburgers, Gyoza Dumplings, Fried Rice, or Soup
  • Subsidiary for Steamed Rice, Tofu, Cheese, or Fresh Vegetables.
  • Dressing as mixing with Vinegar and Vegetable oils.

Nijiya Homemade Shio-Koji

Shio-koji is very popular in Japan. Shio-koji is Japan’s traditional seasoning made by fermenting and maturing a mixture of rice malt, salt, and water. It has long been used as a seasoning for pickled vegetables and fish.

Nowadays, shio-koji has been known as the “magical ingredient that makes any material delicious” and has been used in many different ways.

It can be used to pickle vegetables, fish, meat, and tofu or used as an ingredient for stewed dishes, fried dishes, pasta dishes, and dessert. By spreading one or two tablespoons of shio-koji on a sliced piece of meat or fish and letting it sit for a half day or day wrapped in saran wrap (refrigerated), that makes the piece of meat or fish extra tender and flavorful.

Nijiya original “Taberu-Rayu”

looks very spicy but not so spicy.

Taberu-Rayu is all the range since a few years ago, and also, our original Taberu-Rayu has been also very popular since then.
The Nijiya Original Taberu-Rayu is renewed and coming with the same line of “Nijiya Small Bottle Series”

The significant point of this item is “Umami” from Konbu Seaweed and Dried Shrimp. In addition, plenty of fried garlic adds chunky texture.

Delicious on steamed rice, Ramen Noodle and Gyoza, and great for stir fry or BBQ.
We select less spicy pepper so everyone can enjoy the great taste, even kids or people who are not good at spicy food.

Because of chilled item, these items are not available online.


ニジヤ手作り うまみの醤油麹



ニジヤ手作り やさしい塩麹




ニジヤ手作り 辛そうで辛くない食べるラー油





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