Introducing Nijiya Market Gift Cards!
- Available for purchase at all of our Nijiya Market Retail Stores
- Load any amount up to $250.00 on the card
- Redeem and reload at any Nijiya Market Retail Store
- Cards do not expire and have no fees
- Check your card balance by calling toll free 1-888-892-3813 or go to
Nijiya Market Gift Card General Terms
Use of the Nijiya Gift Card constitutes acceptance of the following terms and other terms that may be imposed from time to time by the Nijiya Market.
This card may be used only at Nijiya Market retail locations.
Unless otherwise required by applicable law, this card will not be replaced if lost or stolen, has no cash redemption value, and is non-refundable.
This card does not expire and no fees will be assessed.
- ニジヤマーケット全店でお買い求めになれます。
- 1枚のカードにお好きな金額 ($250.00まで) をチャージできます。
- ニジヤマーケット全店でご利用になれます。
- カードに有効期限や手数料はございません。
- 残高照会は1-888-892-3813または まで
New!! Holiday Gift Card Available!